If you want to replace a particular word or text with some other word, in multiple files, open all the files in Notepad++. Press Ctrl + H, type the word you want replaced, and the new word in the given fields and click on the Replace All in All Opened Documents. To save all the files at once, press Ctrl + Shift + S.
This trick will let you force shutdown your Windows in a single-click. So, if you don’t want to waste three clicks (Start >> Turn Off Computer >> Turn Off), this trick will help you in that. To do this: We use computer almost in every field. Computer is also combination and hardware and software. Most basic software that is necessary to run a computer is operating system. Mostly people use Microsoft Windows operating system. Windows is rather a powerful GUI based operating system which is easy to operate. We can install different application software’s on windows according to our need including MS office, Adobe reader, music players, games and notepad. As we can use notepad for multiple task like coding editor, dairy and etc for more you need to check all best notepad tips and tricks. Here’s my post on cool note pad tricks - Nihar More's answer to What are some good computer tricks that are not commonly known? Save the file with .vbs extension and close it. Now, when you will open the created file, the LED lights will start blinking. The actual Lock keys are being pressed in the process, so your PC will not work properly while in this mode. You can end “wscript.exe” program in the Task Manager or restart the PC to end this effect. This is probably the most time-saving feature that Notepad++ has, since it will let you do a repeat a task more than once without actually doing it again. You can record a Macro and perform an act automatically. Let’s assume that you want to replace a certain text in different files and save it in a particular format. You just need to record the whole process and play it later whenever you want to perform that task. It is possible to save as many macros as you want. To record a Macro, just head over to the Macro section in the navigation menu of Notepad++. Very good hub! I haven't programmed in a while, but used to know Visual Basic. Before that and back in the day, the Commodore 64. It used to take forever on the commodore just to make a screen change color! Voted up! Whenever someone gets up from the table and walks around, don’t you immediately respect them? I know I do. It takes a lot of guts but once you do it, you immediately appear smart. Fold your arms. Walk around. Go to the corner and lean against the wall. Take a deep, contemplative sigh. Trust me, everyone will be shitting their pants wondering what you’re thinking. If only they knew (bacon). There are a lot of services that require you to know the IP address of one of your computers, like remote control, streaming your media, and more. The problem is, that IP can change from time to time, leaving you without a connection. While you could always set up DynDNS or Hamachi to ensure easy access, you can also just check Gmail's account activity. As long as you've accessed Gmail recently from home (and who hasn't?), it'll show you the last used IP address of your home computer so you can always connect to it. Typing in .vbs after the file name should work, Chan, OR, you can save the file as .txt and then rename it as .vbs from Explorer. Starting Up NotepadLet's start by opening up Notepad: Click on your start menu icon and go to "All Programs." A list of all the programs on your computer should appear, along with a file called "Accessories." Go in to the accessories folder and you should find Notepad, click on it to begin. However beneath its simple look, it also hides many cool Notepad tricks that you may love to try out. As Notepad is a plain text editor, it handles code very well. This combined with the ability to easily manipulate file type leads to many amazingly cool tricks that can affect a PC positively and also negatively. Learning these useful Notepad tricks can be quite productive and fun at the same time, just utilize the cool Notepad hacks carefully. Make a mental note of the engineer in the room. Remember his name. He’ll be quiet throughout most of the meeting, but when his moment comes everything out of his mouth will spring from a place of unknowable brilliance. After he utters these divine words, chime in with, “Let me just repeat that,” and repeat exactly what he just said, but very, very slowly. Now, his brilliance has been transferred to you. People will look back on the meeting and mistakenly attribute the intelligent statement to you. @Braddelete the last .echo for it to work, or you are separating set /p from the if.After you put more in the end, it should work properly. Batch is a language that runs primarily out of your Windows command prompt. Now, it's not even close to being the most powerful programming language out there, but it still let's you do enough to be extremely useful to know (at least for anyone in the computer field). If file extensions are not visible in Explorer, you'll have to go into the View tab of Folder Options and uncheck the box for Hide extensions for known file types. (If you can't find this setting, please share which Windows version you're using, so that I can guide you better.) This trick is fun, but it’s not foolproof — anyone who knows where to look and what to tweak can find the secret folder with ease. To display the secret folder yourself without running locker.bat, go to Folder Options > View and… I want to go over a few quick things before we get in to the actual code. The first thing is that all of your commands should be kept on separate lines. So after you type something in, and are done with what is going to be on that line, hit the "enter" button on your keyboard to move to the next line. The second thing I want to mention is that batch files read from top to bottom. This means that when you run a batch file, all of your code at the top will be interpreted and will run before your code at the bottom. This concept is what allows some of the things I'm going to teach you, to work. If for example you place a "echo" command and in the next line place a "cls" command, all of your text will be erased without your player getting to read it (this will make more sense later on). If you ever have a problem and your game isn't working correctly, make sure you go back and ensure that you haven't made any of these errors. Once you have copied this entire code exactly as it is, into notepad, go ahead and save it as “Startup greeting.vbs”. It can also be called anything you want, but for the purposes of this demonstration, it is easier if we’re all on the same page. Now that it has been saved, you can double click on the VBScript file to hear it greet you and tell you the time. Typing in .vbs after the file name should work, Chan, OR, you can save the file as .txt and then rename it as .vbs from Explorer. If file extensions are not visible in Explorer, you'll have to go into the View tab of Folder Options and uncheck the box for Hide extensions for known file types. (If you can't find this setting, please share which Windows version you're using, so that I can guide you better.) Using code goes far beyond that. Tips 4-8 have NOTHING to do with Notepad. You might as well provide all the source code for a paint application then claim you can use notepad to draw pictures. Your headline is at best misleading and at worst deliberately deceptive. OK, no crime has been committed, but it diminishes the respect for MUO for it to use such a dishonest clickbait title To jump to a specific line, hit CTRL + G to bring up the Go To Line dialog, type in the line number you’d like to jump to, and hit Enter. This works even if you haven’t displayed the line count, because Notepad’s numbering system is active at all times. Find a place where you want to save the image. For this example, I am saving it to an empty folder in the Downloads directory. The important thing you need to do is give it a name that ends with .vbs. This will tell the computer that you are not saving a plain text file; rather, you are saving a VBScript. We will name this sample “Geek test.vbs” as shown below. Some of you more experienced Gmail users may know this "trick" already, but it's surprising how many people are still syncing their iPhone with their computer to get their contacts, when you can sync everything over the air. Check out these instructions to see how to set up Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Contacts on iOS and get everything syncing over the air. After setting it up, your contacts and calendar should always be up to date whether or not you've synced, and your email notifications should come in instantly. Of course, Android users need not worry—Android does all this out of the box. One of the first things that one learns while learning to use a computer is an application called notepad. Almost everyone knows what notepad is, and despite being a simple looking and functioning application what kind of a power it actually possesses. One can literally destroy someone’s PC using a notepad, one can also solve big problems using notepad. Ok, notepad does not do all that I said on its own, but still. It is the platform where one can write the initial code that can then be compiled and stuff. So, learning a few small notepad tricks won’t really hurt our chances of showing off or maybe getting a different prospective about what notepad can really do. Rahul Singhal is a BCA student, a young part time blogger and computer expert from last 3 years. He is very passionate about blogging and his area of interests are SEO, Web Designing and keenness to learn Ethical tricks as well. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter If you think that the default interface of Notepad++ is boring, and it needs some customization, you can certainly do that without using any third party software or plugin. It is possible to change the theme, font family, font size, font style, font weight, font color, background color, and more. If you have installed a font from third party sources, you can still use it as your default font in Notepad++. To change the preferences, just click on Settings > Style Configurator. You will see a screen, where you can choose everything mentioned earlier. Select your preference and place a tick-mark in the checkbox on the same page. Otherwise, the change will not be effected. Use the File > Save As command to save the file with the extension .vbs. Now when you open the saved file, you’ll get a dialog box with a blank text field. Type in something for your computer to read aloud and hit OK. You’ll also want to take a look at these five other ways to get your Windows computer to read to you 5 Ways to Make Your Windows Computer Speak to You 5 Ways to Make Your Windows Computer Speak to You Lean back and listen: let your PC do the reading. Windows comes, built in, with the ability to read text and third-party apps offer additional features. Let us show you the details. Read More . Here switch “Enter Password” in red with the actual password that you want to use. Once pasted, save the file with .bat extension and make sure “File type” is set to “All Files”. When this file will be executed, a private folder will be created in the same location. You’d like to view the number of lines in a Notepad document and you know that you’ll have to display the status bar for that. But a quick peek at the View menu shows you that the Status Bar option is grayed out, if you’re not on Windows 10 that is. What do you do now? It’s simple — head to the Format menu and turn off Word Wrap. Now you should be able to display the status bar from the View menu, and once you do, you can see the line count as well. As far as graphics you will have to use the "echo" command along with the symbols on your keyboard and any ascii symbols. You basically have to make pictures out of letters, numbers, and symbols. Copying data from the Command Prompt isn’t just a Ctrl+C away, the process is actually different. It is not that hard, just right click anywhere in the window and click on “Mark” from the menu. After that, just select the text you want to copy and hit Enter to copy it. This is especially helpful for beginners, but advanced users may get to learn few things too. You can easily get info on almost every command you provide in the Command Prompt. Information includes complete details of what a command does and what process are used, it may also show some examples. Getting up and drawing a Venn diagram is a great way to appear smart. It doesn’t matter if your Venn diagram is wildly inaccurate, in fact, the more inaccurate the better. Even before you’ve put that marker down, your colleagues will begin fighting about what exactly the labels should be and how big the circles should be, etc. At this point, you can slink back to your chair and go back to playing Candy Crush on your phone. Abhishek Dubey is a tech geek who fell in love with technology world at an early age of 14 years. He is co-founder of TechReviewPro.com. At 16, Abhishek is pursuing Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications from Nilambar Pitambar University. He enjoys writing about latest gadgets, apps, software and various useful interesting tips & tricks of the internet world. Thank you for the catch, Shauna! The code above should now work if you copy-and-paste. In that example, the code tag was closed prematurely and our theme messed up the characters Akshata pointed out (quotes and minus sign) in the rest of the code. Now save the note as “cdvirus.vbs”. Now, if you open this file in your system, your cd drive will pop-out continuously. You can try this trick on your friends computer and give him the fright of his life. The cdvirus.vbs can be closed only by rebooting your Windows PC. If you want it to play when you turn on your computer, like Jarvis from Iron Man, simply select the file and drag it with your mouse down to the “Start button.” Without releasing your mouse move it onto “All Programs” then find the “Startup” folder and release your mouse button. To get an automatic timestamp, create a new text document, type in .LOG, and save the file. The next time you open the file, you should see the current date and time appear within it. Hit Enter, start recording your thoughts, and save them. As expected, every time you open the file, a fresh timestamp appears. sharmatricks Have you watched the movie, “Matrix”? You might have seen a string of green characters appearing at the screen randomly. We are going to do something similar with the help of Notepad. To use this Notepad trick, follow these steps: 3. Save your notepad file as cdopen.vbs 4. Now, open cdopen.vbs and it will start the process to continuously open and close CD drive. 5. To stop the process, open Task Manager by pressing Alt+Ctrl+Del and stop cdopen.vbs process. Hello. I did copy the program to see how it works and I can't seem to get the program to pause after choices A, B, and C in the SWAMP. The program displays the words for a split second and then automatically exits the game. How can I get the program to pause after each choice and then return to the start? Thanks for your help. Your virus scanner should pick this file up as a virus and deal with it accordingly. If it does, it’s a sign that the antivirus program is working as expected. Of course, this does not guarantee that you’re protected from all viruses. ConclusionIt's as easy as that! With only the few short commands that I taught you (@echo off, echo, cls, pause, color, goto, etc.) you can be on your way to making very large and complex text-based games. Always double check your code to make sure that you typed everything correctly, and if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Good luck and have fun! Windows Product Key: your script works, it extracts a key, but I do not think it is the WPK. The reason I say this is because I have used 2 different apps, Freepcaudit & Nirsoft's ProduKey, both of which extracted the same key, but that key is completely different from the one extracted with your script. So, can you check that your script extracts the right key & let us know here? Best Notepad Tricks i think the best would have been Wasim Raja, he was so far ahead of his times, never got his due . he would have been an ideal cricketer for T 20 cricket.. https://youtu.be/0IaGlAad8c0 Hahaha, the so called Pak great team is nothing so great except for probably 1 or 2 players (Abdul Qadir,Rashid Latif) , while the whole lot the batsmans saeed, zaheer, miandad, haniff all prospered with biased umpiring while matches played at home. See their averages home and abroad that sums up the kind of umpiring done in pak those days, who can forget the umpiring in 1982 series between ind-pak. While for the bowling the less said is better bcos imran admitted to tampering the ball, wasim and waqar always were suspects to match fixing. Not sure about fazal may be its the trait of pakis to use drugs to enhance performances may be he falls in that category. In nutshell, there is no terminology like the all time pak great. I am surprised people want Afridi, salim malik, aamer sohail, kamran akmal.. all these were alledged cheats in one form or the other, few convicted as well. Only missing element could be cricketers in the guise of jihadis and terrorists, y no yousuf strange people. Younis was one of the finest players Pakistan have had, the first to score 10,000 Test runs, the first to score more than 30 Test centuries, his batting characterised by his bloody minded determination to be “the last man standing” as he once put it, the one who “comes in and takes everything on his chest” when things get hard for the team. Younis was as tough as they come. He scored five centuries in the fourth innings, more than any other player in history. Since he started, Pakistan have won 28 Tests away from home, outside of the UAE. And in the 24 of those matches he played in, Younis scored 2,826 runs at 94.20, with 10 centuries. Steve Waugh is the only player with an away record anything like it. • It was at this stadium that the infamous spat between former England captain Mike Getting, and Pakistani umpire, Shakoor Rana, took place in 1988. The incident became a diplomatic nightmare for the governments of both the countries. The Pakistan semi-final was with the host-Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka scored 139/ with Mahela Jayawardena took the gear. Pakistan chased the target, but wickets in crucial interval gave them backward. Skipper Mohammad Hafeez scored 42 runs and all the other batsmen not going well. The match was turned towards Sri Lanka with magical spell by Rangana Herath, who took wickets of Mohammad Hafeez, Shahid Afridi and Shoaib Malik. Pakistan lost the match by 16 runs. The best thing to come out of Birmingham since the electric kettle, Woakes had a stellar series, dominating with the ball and providing very useful lower order runs. Such an improved cricketer and looks to have a very promising England future. We've noticed that you are using an ad blocker. Advertising helps fund our journalism and keep it truly independent. It helps to build our international editorial team, from war correspondents to investigative reporters, commentators to critics. Click here to view instructions on how to disable your ad blocker, and help us to keep providing you with free-thinking journalism - for free. Thank you for your support. Aik_Paki Sep 05, 2015 08:50pm @Rashid Sheikh You are right, Inzi is much much better than Ijaz. Inzi must be part of this team. Don't forget his winning innings in one day cricket. Recommend 0 Competing with six or seven other seam bowlers, Farrakh Khan decided he needed more variety in his bowling and sought out Alf Gover, the former Surrey and England fast bowler and legendary coach, who had long been a mentor to young Pakistanis. “I met him at the Richmond Club nets and said I could only bowl the outswinger. He taught me how to bowl the inswinger as well.” His first victim with the new delivery was an august one – Lala Amarnath, player-manager of the Indian Starlets visiting Pakistan in 1960–61. “I clean bowled him.” His delight was still there, over 50 years later, and he demonstrated the grip. Shdhsn Sep 05, 2015 05:46pm There was no need for these comments-(perhaps this is why we were cursed with the Akmals later to balance the scales) Moein and Rashid Latif were not the best, they were ok. Just because all 3 brothers were able to play in the Pakistan, it does not make them a curse. If anyone it is PCB's job to find a replacement. Recommend 0 Last year, his batting performance had a very crucial role to play in the under-19 World Cup. In fact, his match-winning knock against England was what took Pakistan from the semi-finals to the finals. • During a Pakistan-West Indies Test here in 1981, West Indian fast bowler, Sylvester Clarke, hurled a brick in the stands at a spectator who was throwing oranges at him. The brick hit the spectator on the head and he was hospitalised. After a horror dismissal at Lord’s, rediscovered his touch with the bat and remains a brilliant man to have lower down the order. Is however very much a batsman who can bowl and not the other way round as England really require – could do with working with a permanent spin bowling coach, something England still inexplicably don’t have. Looks set to be a key player this winter. @bilal and who so ever is against Waqar's selection in T20s. If there's ever to be a world 11 in any cricketing format, waqar is an auto selection, leave aside the T20s and best ever Pakistan side. In the years to come and the evolution of cricketing formats, be it 10-10,30-30,100-100 or anything that's ever to be born in cricket, waqar is an auto selection. And to those who treat Wasim as a cricket demi God, mind you Wasim would not have been Wasim without Waqar and Waqar would not have been Waqar without Wasim. They were both legends that complimented each other well. And in their prime I am certain Waqar was yards ahead of Wasim. Having witnessed Miandad, Inzamam, Yousuf, Younis, and Saeed, I would say it is a very difficult question. Each one of them has some distinctive features. People who just look at raw stats , with respect you really don't understand the subtleties of cricket. I never saw Fazal Mahmood play therefore we have to bow to the better judgement of people who did. Saying his record is not comparable to that of S Akhter on the basis of stats is ilogical as stats do not take into account quality , just quantity. likewise Abdul Qadir As often happens, the heirs to the inventor obtained more profit from his invention than he did. Imran Khan told his biographer Christopher Sandford that he first used reverse swing against Australia in the Melbourne Test of 1977. In the first innings, with conventional methods, he had no wickets for 117 in 22 eight-ball overs. In Australia’s second innings “the pitch had got so hard it began to take lumps out of the ball, which then behaved like a boomerang”. He took five for 122 (his first five-wicket haul in a Test innings), three bowled and one lbw. A characteristic of successful reverse-swing spells is a high concentration of bowled and lbws. Polo Ground, Fort Colony, Multan Cantt. This famous cricket ground where I have also played as a school boy, is the one where Amin Lakhani of Pakistan in the 1980s, took a rare hat-rick in each inning of a first class match against the West Indies. The team is considered a strong but unpredictable team. Traditionally Pakistani cricket has been filled with players of great talent but limited discipline, making them a team which could play inspirational cricket one day and then perform less than ordinarily another day. In particular, the India-Pakistan cricket rivalry has always been emotionally charged and provide for intriguing contests, as talented teams and players from both sides of the border elevate their game to new levels to produce high-quality cricket. Pakistani contests with India in the Cricket World Cup have seen packed stadiums and elevated atmospheres no matter where the World Cup has been held. However the fans love their team. The greatest limited overs batsman Pakistan has ever produced, Miandad would have been the man to oversee the late overs assault, holding the batting order together for the hitters. His strength was his cut shots, innovative reverse sweeps, aggressive running, and a steely determination. T20 games often go down to the last ball, and there was no man better than Miandad to finish a game. Alex Mar 10, 2017 01:21pm There are two test grounds in Multan Ibne Qasim Bagh Stadium hosted its first test in 1981, and the incident of West Indies player throwing brick at the spectator also occurred there. This ground has a capacity of 18000 Multan Cricket stadium is a new test ground on Vehari Road, Multan which hosted its first match in 2001 against Bangladesh. This ground has a capacity of 35000. Writer has mixed both Ibne Qasim Bagh Stadium and Multan Cricket Stadium as one ground. Recommend0 Junaid: I have played the vast majority of my international cricket in Asia and as I mentioned that is not an easy task for a pace bowler. Also the injuries were a setback and it has taken me time to get back to my best. Look at Mohammad Amir, whilst he played recently in more bowler-friendly conditions in England he didn't appear to be in full rhythm as it takes time to get back to your best when you have been out of the game. Similarly with myself I came back from injury, was called-up for Pakistan and then dropped very quickly. In my opinion, Javed Miandad is #1, based on the quality, skills, reselience, and Younus is little behind at #2. Javed Miandad average is slightly better than Younus as well, but as far as the highest run getter from Pakistan is concerned King Younus is da one. Thanks These grounds should be sold to authorities for building hospitals,schools or collages.Such land area between the city are of no use and only consuming electricity,water and money. A nice well-rounded team. For those who are wondering whether Allan Border made that comment or not, go to youtube and watch Legends of cricket Wasim Akram, where he says "If I ever get a chance to be reborn as a cricketer, I would want to be Wasim Akram." Aik_Paki Sep 05, 2015 08:48pm @stranger Come on, they were both very slow. Moeen has been much better than Bari in terms of hard hitting. Recommend 0 The Pakistan women's cricket team has a much lower profile than the men's team. For all national women's cricket teams, the female players are paid much less their male counterparts and the women's teams do not receive as much popular support or recognition as the men's team. The women's teams also have a less packed schedule compared to men's teams and play fewer matches. The team played it first match during 1997, when it was on tour of New Zealand and Australia and were invited to the World Cup later that year and in the Women's Asia Cup during 2005 the team came third place. During 2007, the team with face South Africa and later in the year travel to Ireland to play in the Women's World Cup Qualifier. The team also played at the T20 England World Cup, the team finished 6th place, beating Sri Lanka and South Africa in 2009. Waseem Sarwar Mar 10, 2017 09:11pm Pakistan needs a MCG or Eden Gardens with capacity close to 80,90 thousands but sadly no cricket at home have resulted in lesser money for PCB hence less investment in cricketing facilities. Loved the pictures but you missed Gujrat stadium which hosted few international matches in 90's. It has capacity close to 25k and these days, it's called Zahoor Elahi stadium. Recommend0 The historian of reverse swing encounters two major problems. First, its three great exponents were masters of every weapon in fast bowling. They could “work over” batsmen with sheer speed, they could bowl bouncers and yorkers at will, and above all, they could make the ball swing fast and late by conventional means. Most of the great innovations in cricket are evident to the observer – such as overarm bowling, Ranji’s leg glance, Bosanquet’s googly – although the method used to produce them may be a mystery. Reverse swing does not announce itself so obviously. Without the aid of close-up analysis it might be conventional swing bowled exceptionally well. Wow, just imagine all these greatest fast bowlers bowling in one team. Surely, best of the best batting line up could have collapsed against this sort of attack. They might look batsman sort but they have enough all-rounders capable to bat well, lower down the order. Akram's Highest test score is 200 + :). Well, I bet this is the best bowling line up amongst all the All time XI teams. Just imaging guys, if Waqar,Wasim & Imran bowled on Aus, Eng, SA pitches, they could have taken 500 + wickets quite easily in 100 odd test matches. Few cricket sides have been as mercurial as Pakistan; few have oscillated so frequently between the sublime and the atrocious; add to that the controversies, and Pakistan would definitely be classified as a one-of-its kind side. Having gained Test status following India's partition, Pakistan registered their maiden Test victory at their second go against India at Lucknow. Two years later they defeated the English at their den, and with their seemingly endless supply of fast bowlers, have remained a force as formidable as any over decades. Their arch-rivalry with India ranks next to only the Ashes in terms of cricket contests, but they have had their clashes with other sides as well: both England and Australia have been involved in on- and off-field clashes with Pakistan, but despite all that they had continued to thrive. Legends like Imran Khan, Javed Miandad, and Wasim Akram have ensured that their heads had been held high on the field. Pakistan clinched the World Cup in 1992 against all odds, and have subsequently been oscillating between extremes. Hit by match-fixing (which had put several cricketers under scrutiny), terrorist attacks (which made sure Pakistan does not get to play a match at home), and unfathomable selection policies (no other side changes captains as frequently), they have still managed to come up with surprises every now and then. It may be argued that Pakistan is not the safest place to play cricket in, and neither does it have the best possible domestic infrastructure. However, it cannot be denied that cricket will be a sorrier sport without Pakistan. Not only was Waqar bowling faster than 150km/h, he was swinging the ball like a banana, and was impossible to play. At his peak, his strike rate was streets ahead of other bowlers. While Akram was dangerous enough to remove a number of top order batsmen, Waqar would run through the middle and later order, achieving victories which felt magical. lol @ those who think Zaheer was a flat track bully. Zaheer was one of the finest batsmen produced by Pakistan - pure class, elegance and grace at the wicket, exquisite timing being his hallmark. Your contribution may be further edited by our staff, and its publication is subject to our final approval. Unfortunately, our editorial approach may not be able to accommodate all contributions. Like his predecessors, Misbah has had clashes with selectors, administrators, media and fellow players. His undemonstrative style has sometimes made him undervalued in his own country. However, he commands a personal authority to match Khan, Steve Waugh for Australia or even Sir Frank Worrell in the West Indies. Nothing much to disagree with the Pak- XI for the jury has, to me, done their best. But I would have rather liked to see Shoaib Akhtar in place of Fazal Mahamood for his sheer pace and the terror he creates among the opponents but agree too that his temperament and injury proneness might has cost him his place in all time great plus my sympathy is with Saqlain too, & his is either similar case with Akhtar. All in all a brilliant side to cop with for any team in the history! I wish we could see all players from all Cricinfo national XI in actions playing against their rival side. This is just a fantasy which I know won't come true ever. But this is the power of imagination. cricketwatchdogs I think Saqlain Mushtaq should be there in place of Fazal Mahmood. With due respect to Fazal, having three pace bowlers like Imran, Wasim & Waqar are enough. Saqlain and Qadir would have made a deadly combination here. But i must object to the manner of the voting. Why were Imran & Wasim there in both categories of Allrounder & Fast bowlers ? This lead to a lot of confusion as clear from the reader comments. Until Imran Khan came along, Mushtaq Mohammad was considered Pakistan’s greatest all-rounder, and best captain since Abdul Hafeez Kardar. His brain would have proven useful in the think tank. Mohammad was a fine batsman capable of playing an unorthodox stroke or two, and could easily float up or down this T20 lineup. His legspinners were often quite dangerous, as the great West Indies side of the late 70s learned when they were unexpectedly defeated at home thanks to his incredible flippers. Mohammad would have been the X-factor in this T20 side. Nice team, but I'd rather have someone more reliable instead of the flat track bully Zaheer Abbas. Not Yousuf, because of the cry-baby he is. Maybe Younis Khan (look how many 4th innings centuries he has and a relatively good record in Australia). Rashid Latif is a great pick and lends credibility to the panel's judgement. Political tension means the two teams tend to only meet in ICC-organised major tournaments, such as the Champions Trophy, the World Cup and the World Twenty20. It is also 10 years since they last played a Test series. https://www.cricketwatchdogs.com/2017/06/15/pakistan-beat-england-now-battle-cricket-matches-india-vs-pakistan/ Blackheads are the utmost common complain maidens do nowadays. If you want to oblige your scalp browned, you were supposed to get purify of blackheads. There are various natural ingredients which can support you to remove your blackheads. Here, we are suggesting the most effective ways to remove blackheads. You can oblige them in home with any effort. acne skin care tips Epsom Salt :Take a container and contribute hot water in it. Now contribute iodine in the container. Leave it until the salt is entirely dissolved in the liquid. Now cause it be chill up to the apartment temperature. Exploit it on your scalp and cause it dehydrate. Shower it and all the blackheads are removed. Honey :Honey can be used in order to get rid of blackheads. Honey enables us to oblige the scalp hydrated. It will help you in originating your holes tight. Exploit it for few minutes. Rinse it with lukewarm water. Baking soda :Make a solution of baking soda and liquid. Frame it on your skin which is affected with the blackheads. Rinse it with fresh water and oblige your scalp clear from obstructed pores. Cinnamon :Use of cinnamon is very beneficial for the scalp. You can make a glue of cinnamon with sugar and apply this paste on the affected area. Leave it on your face overnight. Shower it in the morning and enjoy the miracles of sugar and cinnamon. Determine it your attire or try it at the least for 10 eras for best results. 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When you have a plan and a direction to go, you will be so much more successful. There are a lot free assets across the Internet that they are able assistance you in organizing and thinking through the writing of your business programme . Once you get the plan in place, follow orders! DON'T DO EVERYTHING YOURSELF No matter how small your budget is, try to involve other parties in your hopes, their knowledge and skills things a lot.Get more on board who have know that lets you in your business. HAVE A TARGET AUDIENCE( AND WHY THEY WOULD BE INTERESTED IN YOUR PRODUCTS OR SERVICES) Who are your target clients? Who are you trying to reach? Who requires your concoction or message? Take the time to do market research and directory out who you are selling to and where you can find them- both online and offline. This will help you both when creating the concoction/ service and in your commerce tries. Too, make sure you keep in touch with your gathering and find out how they experience. You is very easy to form surveys and catch out value information about what they really consider and it will establish you know how much your concoction is been accepted. KNOW WHAT YOUR PROFITS SHOULD BE LIKE You must be clear not only with possible buyers, but you must know for yourself what you need to earn. Be brutally honest with yourself about how much you need to earn to keep your business afloat. Now named realistic objective and figure out how to establish that happen. Remember in setting your change that often seasons you are selling the value of your services or commodities, and not inevitably the service or concoction itself. YOUR PASSION MATTERS ALOT The reason why most financiers could not make headway is simple-minded; they reputed success will just come freely like manna. Success does not come on a platter of Gold. Those that succeeded required it bad enough to do whatever it took to make it happen. Flowing a business isn't easy, especially in the beginning. There will be long hours, hard analysts and regrets that can't be prepared for. The entrepreneur who works through the tough times is the one who succeeds in the end. HARD WORK PAYS You need to go the extra mile to compete in the business macrocosm, trust me there are people who have been there before you even think of starting up. Don't wait until you "have it all together" to take that first step- it will never happen. If you have a great theory and have done enough planning to know where you're headed, go for it. Be prepared to learn some tasks. Be prepared to make changes along the way. But, if you never take the first step you'll never know the exuberance of the journey.
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AuthorMr Prey ps that's one of my nicknames |